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Качественное создание сайтов в Санкт-Петербурге.

General Information about the Educational Institution

Kivertsi Medical Applied College of the Volyn Regional Council is a reliable start for future medical specialists and quality education.

Kivertsi Medical Applied College, which is the legal successor of the Kivertsi Medical School, was founded in 1963. Medical school was reorganized into a medical college in 2006.

Kivertsi Medical Applied College of the Volyn Regional Council has a license to train professional junior bachelors in the specialties 223 Nursing (educational and professional programs: General Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery) and 221 Dentistry.


Educational and professional programs

Terms of training

Possible qualifications

223 Nursing

General Medicine

3/4 years



4 years



3 years



There are 334 full-time education seekers. Among them, 207 students are studying under the educational and professional program General Medicine, 117 – Nursing, and 10 – Midwifery. 300 students are studying through state (regional) orders, and 34 are studying through funds from individuals or legal entities.

Students are active participants in national, city, and professionally oriented actions. The student council of the college and dormitory effectively functions based on the Kivertsi Medical Applied College of the Volyn Regional Council.

The college consists of two departments («Profile Education» and «Professional Education») and five subject (cycle) commissions.

Teaching Staff

The number of teaching staff who provide training for specialists in educational and professional programs, as of 01.10.2024, is 46 people, of which 39 people work at their permanent employment, namely: Doctor of Science – 1; Candidate of Science – 1; Doctors of Philosophy – 2.

The college successfully operates courses in «Medical and Health Massage», which can be attended by both students and residents of the community.

To ensure equal learning conditions and barrier-free access to the educational process, the teaching staff of the Kivertsi Medical Applied College of the Volyn Regional Council continues to work on filling and improving the content of the educational cloud (lCloud). Students have unhindered access to the lectures and practical class materials in asynchronous mode. They can study and control the acquired knowledge by taking training and control tests anytime and anywhere.

The college's psychological service is actively working. The college psychologist conducts various activities to help students overcome stressful situations during the war period.

The educational work of the college is distinguished by a wide variety of forms and methods of involving young people in the formation of professional qualities of a doctor, preparing them for life, and educating a creative personality oriented towards universal human values ​​and high professionalism, which ensures professional mobility.

Cooperation with other institutions or enterprises in Ukraine

The total number is 21 medical and preventive institutions of the Volyn region, of which there is close cooperation with the following institutions:

- Municipal enterprise «Saint Pantaleon Hospital of the Kivertsi City Council»;

- Municipal enterprise «Kivertsi Primary Health Care Center of the Kivertsi City Council»;

- Municipal enterprise «Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital» of the Volyn Regional Council;

- Municipal enterprise «Lutsk Clinical Maternity Hospital of the Lutsk City Council»;

- Municipal enterprise «Volyn Regional Territorial Medical Association for Maternity and Childhood Protection»;

- Municipal enterprise «Medical Association of the Lutsk City Territorial Community»;

- Municipal enterprise «Volyn Regional Center of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine» of the Volyn Regional Council;

- State Agency «Volyn Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine»;

Type of cooperation - educational, industrial, and pre-diploma practice.

The purpose of:

- educational training is to familiarize students with the specifics of the future profession and to obtain primary professional skills and abilities in fundamental and special disciplines under the educational and professional degree of the program of specialty 223 Nursing - professional junior bachelor.

- practical training is to consolidate, deepen, and systematize theoretical knowledge in special disciplines, develop clinical thinking, complete mastery of practical skills provided for by the program, and master the principles of organizing a medical and protective regime and sanitary and educational work methods.

- pre-diploma practice is to generalize and improve the knowledge, practical skills, and abilities they acquired, master professional experience, and promote their readiness for independent work.

Contact information: Volyn region, Kivertsi, Street Kyivska, 4, 45201

Tel.: +38(03365)2-13-49

Responsible person:

Oksana Furman, Assistant Director for Educational Work, phone number: +38(050)378-81-26 (Viber, Telegram), email: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

Iuliia Fedik, Head of the Department «Profile Education», phone number: +38(098)25-11-399 (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp), email: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її.

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